Orders can be paid in the following ways:
Cash on delivery
The products come to your address by courier and you pay the price at the time of receipt. Excludes orders that contain large volume / weight products, professional products and products of special order or desired dimension of the customer.
2. Payment by credit or debit card
In order to complete your purchase by paying by credit card, go to the secure website of winbank PayCenter, where you enter your credit card details. Your credit card information is not sent back to the store. Finally, your transaction and your personal information are secured by Piraeus Bank.
4. Deposit in a bank account
You can make a deposit in an National or Piraeus account. After the end of your deposit, send us the receipt with an email to info@coellecosmetics.gr so that your order can be expedited as much as possible.
The available accounts are:
NATIONAL GR3201107880000078844007399
PIRAEUS GR1301717770006777147323791